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"use strict"; var require = function () { return window.luxon; }; (function () { var createModuleFactory = function createModuleFactory(t) { var e; return function (r) { return e || t(e = { exports: {}, parent: r }, e.exports), e.exports; }; }; var _$CronJob_3 = createModuleFactory(function (module, exports) { function CronJob(CronTime, spawn) { function fnWrap(cmd) { var command; var args; switch (typeof cmd) { case 'string': args = cmd.split(' '); command = args.shift(); return spawn.bind(undefined, command, args); case 'object': command = cmd && cmd.command; if (command) { args = cmd.args; var options = cmd.options; return spawn.bind(undefined, command, args, options); } break; } return cmd; } function CJ(cronTime, onTick, onComplete, startNow, timeZone, context, runOnInit, utcOffset, unrefTimeout) { var _cronTime = cronTime; var argCount = 0; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (arguments[i] !== undefined) { argCount++; } } if (typeof cronTime !== 'string' && argCount === 1) { onTick = cronTime.onTick; onComplete = cronTime.onComplete; context = cronTime.context; startNow = cronTime.start || cronTime.startNow || cronTime.startJob; timeZone = cronTime.timeZone; runOnInit = cronTime.runOnInit; _cronTime = cronTime.cronTime; utcOffset = cronTime.utcOffset; unrefTimeout = cronTime.unrefTimeout; } this.context = context || this; this._callbacks = []; this.onComplete = fnWrap(onComplete); this.cronTime = new CronTime(_cronTime, timeZone, utcOffset); this.unrefTimeout = unrefTimeout; addCallback.call(this, fnWrap(onTick)); if (runOnInit) { this.lastExecution = new Date(); fireOnTick.call(this); } if (startNow) { start.call(this); } return this; } var addCallback = function (callback) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { this._callbacks.push(callback); } }; CJ.prototype.addCallback = addCallback; CJ.prototype.setTime = function (time) { if (typeof time !== 'object') { throw new Error('time must be an instance of CronTime.'); } this.stop(); this.cronTime = time; this.start(); }; CJ.prototype.nextDate = function () { return this.cronTime.sendAt(); }; var fireOnTick = function () { for (var i = this._callbacks.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this._callbacks[i].call(this.context, this.onComplete); } }; CJ.prototype.fireOnTick = fireOnTick; CJ.prototype.nextDates = function (i) { return this.cronTime.sendAt(i); }; var start = function () { if (this.running) { return; } var MAXDELAY = 2147483647; var self = this; var timeout = this.cronTime.getTimeout(); var remaining = 0; var startTime; if (this.cronTime.realDate) { this.runOnce = true; } function _setTimeout(timeout) { startTime = Date.now(); self._timeout = setTimeout(callbackWrapper, timeout); if (self.unrefTimeout && typeof self._timeout.unref === 'function') { self._timeout.unref(); } } function callbackWrapper() { var diff = startTime + timeout - Date.now(); if (diff > 0) { var newTimeout = self.cronTime.getTimeout(); if (newTimeout > diff) { newTimeout = diff; } remaining += newTimeout; } self.lastExecution = new Date(); if (remaining) { if (remaining > MAXDELAY) { remaining -= MAXDELAY; timeout = MAXDELAY; } else { timeout = remaining; remaining = 0; } _setTimeout(timeout); } else { self.running = false; if (!self.runOnce) { self.start(); } self.fireOnTick(); } } if (timeout >= 0) { this.running = true; if (timeout > MAXDELAY) { remaining = timeout - MAXDELAY; timeout = MAXDELAY; } _setTimeout(timeout); } else { this.stop(); } }; CJ.prototype.start = start; CJ.prototype.lastDate = function () { return this.lastExecution; }; CJ.prototype.stop = function () { if (this._timeout) clearTimeout(this._timeout); this.running = false; if (typeof this.onComplete === 'function') { this.onComplete(); } }; return CJ; } module.exports = CronJob; }); var _$CronTime_4 = createModuleFactory(function (module, exports) { var CONSTRAINTS = [ [0, 59], [0, 59], [0, 23], [1, 31], [0, 11], [0, 6] ]; var MONTH_CONSTRAINTS = [ 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 ]; var PARSE_DEFAULTS = ['0', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*']; var ALIASES = { jan: 0, feb: 1, mar: 2, apr: 3, may: 4, jun: 5, jul: 6, aug: 7, sep: 8, oct: 9, nov: 10, dec: 11, sun: 0, mon: 1, tue: 2, wed: 3, thu: 4, fri: 5, sat: 6 }; var TIME_UNITS = [ 'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'dayOfMonth', 'month', 'dayOfWeek' ]; var TIME_UNITS_LEN = TIME_UNITS.length; var PRESETS = { '@yearly': '0 0 0 1 0 *', '@monthly': '0 0 0 1 * *', '@weekly': '0 0 0 * * 0', '@daily': '0 0 0 * * *', '@hourly': '0 0 * * * *', '@minutely': '0 * * * * *', '@secondly': '* * * * * *', '@weekdays': '0 0 0 * * 1-5', '@weekends': '0 0 0 * * 0,6' }; var RE_WILDCARDS = /\*/g; var RE_RANGE = /^(\d+)(?:-(\d+))?(?:\/(\d+))?$/g; function CronTime(luxon) { function CT(source, zone, utcOffset) { this.source = source; if (zone) { var dt = luxon.DateTime.fromObject({ zone: zone }); if (dt.invalid) { throw new Error('Invalid timezone.'); } this.zone = zone; } if (typeof utcOffset !== 'undefined') { this.utcOffset = utcOffset; } var that = this; TIME_UNITS.map(function (timeUnit) { that[timeUnit] = {}; }); if (this.source instanceof Date || this.source instanceof luxon.DateTime) { if (this.source instanceof Date) { this.source = luxon.DateTime.fromJSDate(this.source); } this.realDate = true; } else { this._parse(this.source); this._verifyParse(); } } CT.prototype = { _verifyParse: function () { var months = Object.keys(this.month); var dom = Object.keys(this.dayOfMonth); var ok = false; var lastWrongMonth = NaN; for (var i = 0; i < months.length; i++) { var m = months[i]; var con = MONTH_CONSTRAINTS[parseInt(m, 10)]; for (var j = 0; j < dom.length; j++) { var day = dom[j]; if (day <= con) { ok = true; } } if (!ok) { lastWrongMonth = m; console.warn("Month '".concat(m, "' is limited to '").concat(con, "' days.")); } } if (!ok) { var notOkCon = MONTH_CONSTRAINTS[parseInt(lastWrongMonth, 10)]; for (var k = 0; k < dom.length; k++) { var notOkDay = dom[k]; if (notOkDay > notOkCon) { delete this.dayOfMonth[notOkDay]; var fixedDay = Number(notOkDay) % notOkCon; this.dayOfMonth[fixedDay] = true; } } } }, sendAt: function (i) { var date = this.realDate ? this.source : luxon.DateTime.local(); if (this.zone) { date = date.setZone(this.zone); } if (typeof this.utcOffset !== 'undefined') { var offset = this.utcOffset >= 60 || this.utcOffset <= -60 ? this.utcOffset / 60 : this.utcOffset; offset = parseInt(offset); var utcZone = 'UTC'; if (offset < 0) { utcZone += offset; } else if (offset > 0) { utcZone += "+".concat(offset); } date = date.setZone(utcZone); if (date.invalid) { throw new Error('ERROR: You specified an invalid UTC offset.'); } } if (this.realDate) { if (luxon.DateTime.local() > date) { throw new Error('WARNING: Date in past. Will never be fired.'); } return date; } if (isNaN(i) || i < 0) { return this._getNextDateFrom(date); } else { var dates = []; for (; i > 0; i--) { date = this._getNextDateFrom(date); dates.push(date); } return dates; } }, getTimeout: function () { return Math.max(-1, this.sendAt() - luxon.DateTime.local()); }, toString: function () { return this.toJSON().join(' '); }, toJSON: function () { var self = this; return TIME_UNITS.map(function (timeName) { return self._wcOrAll(timeName); }); }, _getNextDateFrom: function (start, zone) { if (start instanceof Date) { start = luxon.DateTime.fromJSDate(start); } var date = start; var firstDate = start.toMillis(); if (zone) { date = date.setZone(zone); } if (!this.realDate) { if (date.millisecond > 0) { date = date.set({ millisecond: 0, second: date.second + 1 }); } } if (date.invalid) { throw new Error('ERROR: You specified an invalid date.'); } var timeout = Date.now() + 5000; while (true) { var diff = date - start; if (Date.now() > timeout) { throw new Error("Something went wrong. It took over five seconds to find the next execution time for the cron job.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tPlease refer to the canonical issue (https://github.com/kelektiv/node-cron/issues/467) and provide the following string if you would like to help debug:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTime Zone: ".concat(zone || '""', " - Cron String: ").concat(this, " - UTC offset: ").concat(date.format('Z'), " - current Date: ").concat(luxon.DateTime.local().toString())); } if (!(date.month - 1 in this.month) && Object.keys(this.month).length !== 12) { date = date.plus({ months: 1 }); date = date.set({ day: 1, hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0 }); continue; } if (!(date.day in this.dayOfMonth) && Object.keys(this.dayOfMonth).length !== 31 && !(date.getWeekDay() in this.dayOfWeek && Object.keys(this.dayOfWeek).length !== 7)) { date = date.plus({ days: 1 }); date = date.set({ hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0 }); continue; } if (!(date.getWeekDay() in this.dayOfWeek) && Object.keys(this.dayOfWeek).length !== 7 && !(date.day in this.dayOfMonth && Object.keys(this.dayOfMonth).length !== 31)) { date = date.plus({ days: 1 }); date = date.set({ hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0 }); continue; } if (!(date.hour in this.hour) && Object.keys(this.hour).length !== 24) { date = date.set({ hour: date.hour === 23 && diff > 86400000 ? 0 : date.hour + 1 }); date = date.set({ minute: 0, second: 0 }); continue; } if (!(date.minute in this.minute) && Object.keys(this.minute).length !== 60) { date = date.set({ minute: date.minute === 59 && diff > 3600000 ? 0 : date.minute + 1 }); date = date.set({ second: 0 }); continue; } if (!(date.second in this.second) && Object.keys(this.second).length !== 60) { date = date.set({ second: date.second === 59 && diff > 60000 ? 0 : date.second + 1 }); continue; } if (date.toMillis() === firstDate) { date = date.set({ second: date.second + 1 }); continue; } break; } return date; }, _wcOrAll: function (type) { if (this._hasAll(type)) { return '*'; } var all = []; for (var time in this[type]) { all.push(time); } return all.join(','); }, _hasAll: function (type) { var constraints = CONSTRAINTS[TIME_UNITS.indexOf(type)]; for (var i = constraints[0], n = constraints[1]; i < n; i++) { if (!(i in this[type])) { return false; } } return true; }, _parse: function (source) { source = source.toLowerCase(); if (source in PRESETS) { source = PRESETS[source]; } source = source.replace(/[a-z]{1,3}/gi, function (alias) { if (alias in ALIASES) { return ALIASES[alias]; } throw new Error("Unknown alias: ".concat(alias)); }); var units = source.trim().split(/\s+/); if (units.length < TIME_UNITS_LEN - 1) { throw new Error('Too few fields'); } if (units.length > TIME_UNITS_LEN) { throw new Error('Too many fields'); } var unitsLen = units.length; for (var i = 0; i < TIME_UNITS_LEN; i++) { var cur = units[i - (TIME_UNITS_LEN - unitsLen)] || PARSE_DEFAULTS[i]; this._parseField(cur, TIME_UNITS[i], CONSTRAINTS[i]); } }, _parseField: function (value, type, constraints) { var typeObj = this[type]; var pointer; var low = constraints[0]; var high = constraints[1]; var fields = value.split(','); fields.forEach(function (field) { var wildcardIndex = field.indexOf('*'); if (wildcardIndex !== -1 && wildcardIndex !== 0) { throw new Error("Field (".concat(field, ") has an invalid wildcard expression")); } }); value = value.replace(RE_WILDCARDS, "".concat(low, "-").concat(high)); var allRanges = value.split(','); for (var i = 0; i < allRanges.length; i++) { if (allRanges[i].match(RE_RANGE)) { allRanges[i].replace(RE_RANGE, function ($0, lower, upper, step) { lower = parseInt(lower, 10); upper = parseInt(upper, 10) || undefined; var wasStepDefined = !isNaN(parseInt(step, 10)); if (step === '0') { throw new Error("Field (".concat(type, ") has a step of zero")); } step = parseInt(step, 10) || 1; if (upper && lower > upper) { throw new Error("Field (".concat(type, ") has an invalid range")); } var outOfRangeError = lower < low || (upper && upper > high) || (!upper && lower > high); if (outOfRangeError) { throw new Error("Field value (".concat(value, ") is out of range")); } lower = Math.min(Math.max(low, ~~Math.abs(lower)), high); if (upper) { upper = Math.min(high, ~~Math.abs(upper)); } else { upper = wasStepDefined ? high : lower; } pointer = lower; do { typeObj[pointer] = true; pointer += step; } while (pointer <= upper); }); } else { throw new Error("Field (".concat(type, ") cannot be parsed")); } } } }; return CT; } module.exports = CronTime; }); var _$_empty_1 = createModuleFactory(function (module, exports) { }); var _$cron_2 = {}; (function (root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['luxon'], factory); } else if (typeof _$cron_2 === 'object') { _$cron_2 = factory(require(5), _$_empty_1({})); } else { root.Cron = factory(root.luxon); } })(this, function (luxon, childProcess) { var exports = {}; var spawn = childProcess && childProcess.spawn; var CronTime = _$CronTime_4({})(luxon); var CronJob = _$CronJob_3({})(CronTime, spawn); luxon.DateTime.prototype.getWeekDay = function () { return this.weekday === 7 ? 0 : this.weekday; }; exports.job = function (cronTime, onTick, onComplete, startNow, timeZone, context, runOnInit, utcOffset, unrefTimeout) { return new CronJob(cronTime, onTick, onComplete, startNow, timeZone, context, runOnInit, utcOffset, unrefTimeout); }; exports.time = function (cronTime, timeZone) { return new CronTime(cronTime, timeZone); }; exports.sendAt = function (cronTime) { return exports.time(cronTime).sendAt(); }; exports.timeout = function (cronTime) { return exports.time(cronTime).getTimeout(); }; exports.CronJob = CronJob; exports.CronTime = CronTime; return exports; }); var _$input_6 = {}; (function (global) { (function () { "use strict"; var _cron = _interopRequireDefault(_$cron_2); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj }; } global["Cron"] = _cron["default"]; }).call(this); }).call(this, typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}); }());